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Writing Information

Creative Writing Tips - Have You Established Your Main Character At The Start?

In the beginning of your story you have to grab your readers' interest and sustain it till the end. Our hook is our character.

Have You Settled On First Choice When Choosing A Title?

Short Story Writing Tips -We've established what a title should be and we've also established your title is your selling tool. So if it can make or break the sale of your story, then we'll have to agree that it is extremely important.

Have You Tested Your Plot?

Creative Writing Tips -Our plotting stage is our testing area.Everything in the plot should be tested for its effectiveness before we put in into our stories.

Does Your Plot Suit Your Characters And Vice-Versa?

Creative Writing Tips -When an idea comes to us for a short story, we either think of a story line first or a character first. Whichever we think of first, and later on build, we have to make sure the plot and the character suit each other.

How Are You Plotting?

Creative Writing Tips -Writing is a creative process and how every writer chooses to create, is individual to them. Likewise, with plotting, every writer plots at a level they are comfortable with.

Have You Completed A Character Questionnaire?

Creative Writing Tips -Complete a character questionnaire for each of your main characters or even secondary characters that play a vital role in your story. This way you will know your character(s) well before you start writing about them.

What Can Go Into A Plot?

Creative Writing Tips -We all tackle plotting differently. How you plot will be individual to you, as it is with every writer.

Do You Plot With Your Character In Mind?

Creative Writing Tips -You are plotting the story. You write down what will happen, what problems will arise, what obstacles you will place so the character won't reach his goals immediately, what he's going to do to overcome these problems etc?So all these things will be happening to your character since it's his story we are telling.

Creative Writing Tips - Does The Name You Chose Suit Your Character?

How do you choose a name? Do you put down the first name that pops into your mind? Initially that's what I used to do, until someone pointed out to me that there are a few things to take into consideration when choosing a name?1. You Have To Be Comfortable With ItWe associate names with people we know.

Have You Plotted Your Story Before Writing It?

Creative Writing Tips -The writer, who doesn't have the time to plot, always finds the time to rewrite.Sound familiar?I've been guilty of this too, back in the early days of my writing apprenticeship.

Do You Know What A Plot Is?

Creative Writing Tips -What a plot is and what a story is can be sometimes confusing. If you think they are the same? They are not.

Is The Theme Reinforced In The Ending?

Creative Writing Tips -By now you should have an idea that your theme has to reach its conclusion just as your story does. But our theme has to do more than reach its conclusion - it has to be reinforced in the end and by doing this, it will strengthen all that we have said in our story.

Is Your Title Compelling?

Short Story Writing Tips:Your title is your selling tool. It's the first thing readers will scan and contemplate whether to read your story.

8 Advantages to Writing a Book as an Entrepreneur

As an aspiring or an established entrepreneur, you are an expert in something, but does the rest of the world know? You have a wealth of information, experience and knowledge that you can package into a book that will benefit others. This truly is the information age and people want to know what you know.

8 Tell-Tale Signs That Forecast Writing Success!

'Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.

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